2014 Hatch 1 title sized

Almost a month ago we set eggs in the incubator for the first time in 2014. I was a little unsure about the fertility of many of the eggs when I set them in the incubator. Seven of them ended up being clear, so I took them out on day 7. Days 21 & 22 we had 16 precious Easter Egger chicks hatch. Woo hoo!


2014 Hatch 1 candling
Candling, Day 4 & Day 11



2014 Hatch 1 pip
I could sit & watch eggs hatch all day. The second I see the first little pip, I’m drawn in. Then they break through just enough to get our first real peek of the chick.


2014 Hatch 1 hatching
Amazed, every time I watch this happen.



2014 Hatch 1 chicks
Family Portrait


Since it’s been rainy, windy, & just plain yucky outside the last couple weeks we haven’t accomplished much on outdoor projects. Hatching chicks is the perfect indoor activity for these gloomy days. We’re already collecting eggs for our next hatch.