• A pile of feathers is never a good sign. Somethin’ got one of our free range roosters. From the way the feathers were spread out, I’m guessing it was a bobcat. They tend to leave piles of feathers in various places as they’re carrying the bird away.
• Lots of goodies are off to an early start in the greenhouse – like the Mexican Sour Gherkins.
• The swallows are still busy darting around. Love them.
• A few weeks ago Farmer John cemented posts in a bucket for me. However, once he learned I wanted to plant herbs around them he decided the pressure treated boards weren’t the best option. So, he redid the buckets with metal posts.
• The first mowing of the year was needed.
• We had a four legged visitor this week while our friends were off soaking in the rays in Hawaii.
• A number of our hens are going broody. When a free range hen goes broody, we don’t tend to disturb her. However when one goes broody in one of our coops, it tends to throw off egg laying for many of the ladies. So, the broody’s have been relocated to the chicken tractors.
• I’ve been pulling weeds by the bucketfuls. I am never caught up, but every little bit helps.
• 2 white leghorns just chillin’ midday.