I’ve had my DSLR camera for over a year & haven’t tried taking star pics. A few nights in the last couple weeks I finally gave it a shot. I’m not sure I got exactly what I was looking for, but I did learn a few things. The most important thing I learned is that star photography is tricky. The shutter needs to be open awhile to let in enough light for the stars to show up. Yet, if you leave the shutter open longer than 10 – 15 seconds the stars are no longer round objects, but start to get streaky. And, not the cool streaky look from extremely long exposures, but an out of focus, not pretty photo. I took moon pics, too, & found them to be my fav’s.
I probably should have stayed up until the wee hours of the morning waiting for the moon to go down, so I could get the stars in complete darkness. I’ll have to try that next time.
Even if I didn’t get the shot I was looking for, the night sky has been beautiful this month.