Woo Hoo! I finally have real blooms in my gardens & just in time for April’s Bloom Day!
Left: After a couple years, this newbie flowerbed is starting to fill in nicely. Top Right: Camellia. Bottom Right: The hellebore are looking fantastic! These chicks hatched the first 2 days of April.
Top Left: The flowering cherry tree is still smallish, but its blooms are beautiful. Top Right: English Daisies. Bottom Left: The bees are loving the heather.
Top Left: The bees & wasps have started buzzin’ around, especially on sunny days. This one is in one of the bird houses the kids & I painted last spring. Middle Left: Blue scilla. Bottom Left: The Vinca minor has just started showing off its pretty purple flowers. Right: Why, oh why, did I buy tulips that are the exact color as daffodils? They are pretty, but the flowerbed could use more color than light yellow daffodils & light yellow tulips.
Left: Leonard Messel Magnolia
There seems to be a few more plants in bloom compared to last year. I’m assuming this is due to our mild winter.