Bloom Day – February 2013

Feb2013 Bloom Day title

We’ve had a mild winter with only a few snow days & a couple weeks of freezing weather. Even with these mild days there still isn’t much happening in the garden. I did search around to find a few buds, though.


Feb2013 Bloom Day Shade
Top Right: There are a few hellebore buds, but they don’t look pretty yet. Bottom Right: Droopy Rhododendron.



Feb2013 Bloom Day 2
Left: I found many leaves from bulbs starting to peek through. These, though, don’t look to well. I wonder if it’s thanks to the chickens, dogs, kids or mother nature?



Feb2013 Bloom Day 1
Left: Magnolia

My garden is lacking color, but these buds remind me that spring color is on its way.  Hopefully next month there will at least be crocus blooming.

I’m sharing this post with the Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day.