September’s upon us and the colors in my flowerbeds are starting to fade.
I’m going to guess this isn’t the best my gardens have looked this time of year. The weather has been warmer than usual, I haven’t been watering much & I haven’t kept up on the weeding or deadheading as I should be. So, the flowerbeds are dry, full of spent blooms & weedy. Ah well, better luck next year.
There are a few plants showing off for Bloom Day, though.
Top Left: Most of the nasturtiums have faded, but a few orangey-red ones are still hanging on… which reminds me, I need to collect the fallen seeds. Bottom Left: The thyme has been in bloom for awhile now. I love it! Right: The lavender is starting to fade, but I enjoy the new shade of grayish-purple.
Top Left: The marigolds are still going strong in my herb row in the garden. Top Right: Growing near the sunflowers & zinnias are a variety of gourds. Some have the typical yellow flower, but I was pleasantly surprised by this white lacey flower. Bottom: Some of the zinnia’s along the goat fence are stunning.
Middle Left: A few blooms are still bright purple on the butterfly bushes. Right: One lupine decided to show off its purple flowers again.
Sadly, that’s really all the blooms I could find. Hopefully, other gardeners are having better luck. See for yourself at May Dreams Garden.