We planted most of our garden throughout May. Some stuff was planted earlier than others, some things were started inside & some were planted right in the garden rows. We planted everything from seed & didn’t buy any starts this year.
It seems like the garden is off to a slow start, but there’s a lot growing. Here’s how the garden is growing so far:
Left: Hopefully soon we will have peas. Right: Farmer John planted leftover bush bean seed. He’s hoping to can pickled beans.Top Right: Potatoes. Bottom Left: Peppers. Bottom Right: Tomatillo.Top Left: Mountain Spinach (Orach) Middle Left: Santo Coriander (Cilantro) Middle: Sage. I think the birds devoured most of the herb seed I planted. But, at least a few seeds were missed & are growing. Top Left: A variety of greens. Bottom Left: Years ago we planted mint. It’s been thriving ever since. Bottom Right: I planted two varieties of kale – White Russian & Maribor Hybrid.
Our garden has expanded outside the deer fence. Hopefully the deer don’t notice…
Top Left: I planted a variety of pumpkins & gourds. Pumpkins: Fairytale, Magic Lantern, Sunlight & Lil Pump-ke-Mon. Gourds: Ornamental Mix, Birdhouse & Speckled Swan. Top Right: This is the beginnings of pumpkins, gourds, tomatoes & corn. Bottom Left: Tomatoes. Bottom Right: Corn.
Top Left: Blueberries! This is our first year with blueberries on the plant. Top Right: The deer have been hard on our strawberries year after year. We don’t have a strawberry patch inside the deer fence, yet. But, I took the ones that have survived the deer and planted them in a container. We haven’t gotten a ton of berries, but at least they aren’t getting eaten by the deer. Middle Left: And grapes, too! The dog dug up the newly planted grapes a couple years ago. He didn’t kill them, but they didn’t do too well for awhile. Now that the grapes are free from dog & deer they are thriving. Middle Right: I think we may be enjoying plums later this summer! Bottom: Apples! And, more than one!
The aquaponics system is still a work in progress, so we don’t have much growing yet.
Like I mentioned earlier, we’re off to a slow start in the garden. But, we have managed to harvest a couple things.
Radishes & Raspberries
So far, so good with this year’s growing season. I can’t wait ’til August when the kitchen will be overflowing with our bounty.