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2013 Hatch5 title sized

Last week another batch of eggs hatched. This time we incubated Blue Marans & Easter Eggers like we have done in previous hatches. We also hatched a few Rhode Island Reds for the first time. This is our 5th hatch & it’s still exciting. I love watching the chicks peck their way into the world.


2013 Hatch5 incubator
A peek in the incubator


2013 Hatch5 brooder
In the brooder



2013 Hatch5 chicks


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2013 Mama Hen Hatch #1 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/2013-mama-hen-hatch-1/ Mon, 29 Apr 2013 18:13:14 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=420 Last week some of the eggs our broody hen was setting on hatched! About a week after we noticed that she was sitting on eggs, I candled some of the eggs & realized they weren’t developing. So, I swapped five of her eggs for five eggs from our coops that I thought should hatch. Three …

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2013 Mama Hen title sized

Last week some of the eggs our broody hen was setting on hatched!

About a week after we noticed that she was sitting on eggs, I candled some of the eggs & realized they weren’t developing. So, I swapped five of her eggs for five eggs from our coops that I thought should hatch. Three weeks later we have new babies. I love the process of hatching eggs in the incubator. But, it is so heartwarming to see a mama & her babies wandering around.

2013 Mama Hen 2

Mama hen is one of our free range chickens, so she wasn’t cooped up when she started sitting on eggs. Although my own motherly instinct wants to coop them up to protect them, I’m going to leave them to wander until a threat convinces me to do otherwise. It is interesting to watch how she’s taking care of them. These chicks almost don’t peep at all. I wonder if they know it’s safer for them to stay quiet.


2013 Mama Hen 5
Easter Egger, Rhode Island Red & Blue Marans


2013 Mama Hen 7
These two photos pretty much sum up their day: searching for food or resting.


2013 Mama Hen 4
Mama showing her babies how to find food & water.


2013 Mama Hen 6
Mama puffed up in a protective stance.


2013 Mama Hen 3
While on their walk, mama reached a barrier a little too tall for the chicks. One got left behind & started cheeping. Mama came back & encouraged the chick to get over the obstacle. Eventually, the chick made it over. Such a fun moment to watch.


2013 Mama Hen 1


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2013 Hatch #3 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/2013-hatch-3/ Thu, 04 Apr 2013 17:55:19 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=412 We’ve successfully made it through our 4th round of incubating chicken eggs! It continues to be an exciting experience. I get very impatient by day 20. I anxiously wait to see who hatches, then get nervous after some hatch & wonder why others aren’t hatching. I’m then excited when another few hatch. The truth is, …

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2013 Hatch3 title sized

We’ve successfully made it through our 4th round of incubating chicken eggs! It continues to be an exciting experience. I get very impatient by day 20. I anxiously wait to see who hatches, then get nervous after some hatch & wonder why others aren’t hatching. I’m then excited when another few hatch. The truth is, though, each batch we’ve had at least one chick pip & start the process of hatching, but never fully complete it. Those chicks still break my heart, but I understand if we’re going to take on the responsibility of hatching chicks we have to take all that goes along with it. It’s my goal to learn from each hatch & get less of those heartbreakers.


2013 Hatch3 Candle
Left photo: Eggs in the turner inside the incubator. All are Easter Eggers except one Blue Marans. Right photo: Candling, Day 15.



2013 Hatch3 hatching
Easter Eggers


2013 Hatch3 Marans
The lone Blue Copper Marans chick. She was sold before she even hatched & has already gone off to her new home.




2013 Hatch3 Easter Egger
Most of our Easter Eggers tend to be fluffy, light yellow chicks. Although, a couple brown chicks also hatched this time. And, all the chicks from our true blue eggs look similar to the black chick.


Twenty-four chicks hatched with this batch, which is the same number as our last hatch. Yay for cute, fluffy chicks that grow up to provide food for our families!


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2013 Hatch #2 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/2013-hatch-2/ Tue, 05 Mar 2013 18:45:49 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=408  We had our first successful hatch of Blue Copper Marans! Our rooster is a Splash Marans & we have 3 Black Copper hens. With that combination comes Blue Copper chicks. I love them already! HATCHING!       CHICKS     The incubating process is exciting & nerve-wracking. There are no guarantees & I’m thrilled …

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2013 Hatch title sized

 We had our first successful hatch of Blue Copper Marans! Our rooster is a Splash Marans & we have 3 Black Copper hens. With that combination comes Blue Copper chicks. I love them already!


2013 Hatch2 Marans
Hatch time for a Blue Marans


2013 Hatch2 Easter Egger
We also hatched Easter Eggers.




2013 Hatch2 Marans2
We got 9 blue beauties from this hatch. All but one have feathered shanks.


2013 Hatch2 EE Marans
We sold 12 of our newly hatched chicks. I hope the new owners enjoy them. We are keeping a couple of the Easter Eggers, though. We are also keeping a few of the Blues. I’m excited to see how they grow & change.


The incubating process is exciting & nerve-wracking. There are no guarantees & I’m thrilled this hatch turned out so well.

Anybody else hatching chicks or bringing chicks home this spring?


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2013 Hatch #1 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/2013-hatch-1/ Thu, 07 Feb 2013 18:33:51 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=404 January 31st was hatch day! This was our second time incubating eggs & it was just as exciting as the first time. Check out this post to read about our first hatch.   HATCHING! There is something so amazing about watching a chick hatch. Ok, I think it’s super awesome. My family just thinks it’s …

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2013 Hatch 1 title sized

January 31st was hatch day! This was our second time incubating eggs & it was just as exciting as the first time. Check out this post to read about our first hatch.



There is something so amazing about watching a chick hatch. Ok, I think it’s super awesome. My family just thinks it’s mediocre awesome. I can sit & watch chicks hatch all day. The kids are bored of the slow process in about 5 minutes. Either way, my obsession allows me to take many pics of a hatching chick. These are pics from Egg #23, which was the second chick to hatch.

2013 Hatch 1 hatching
Pipped at 8:24am. Zipped at 1:19pm. Hatched at 1:39pm.




2013 Hatch 1 chicks


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