Turkey Poult Archives - http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/tag/turkey-poult/ Wed, 29 Mar 2017 19:39:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/cropped-logo-square1-32x32.jpg Turkey Poult Archives - http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/tag/turkey-poult/ 32 32 Chicken Waterers http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/chicken-waterers/ Fri, 15 Mar 2013 18:48:39 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=144 We have tried a variety of watering methods & the thing that has worked best for us are the use of waterer nipples. Farmer John attaches 2, 3 or 4 nipples in a bucket or similar container then hangs the bucket in the coop or brooder. Sometimes he adds 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar …

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Poultry Nipple Waterer

We have tried a variety of watering methods & the thing that has worked best for us are the use of waterer nipples. Farmer John attaches 2, 3 or 4 nipples in a bucket or similar container then hangs the bucket in the coop or brooder. Sometimes he adds 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the water, as well. This keeps the water clear & free from algae type growth. It also acts as a natural dewormer for the chickens.


Chicken Nipple Waterer
The nipple we use is a push in style, as opposed to screw in. Farmer John drills a small hole in a container and the nipples attach easily.

There are many places to get the nipples, and as they are becoming more popular the farm stores are starting to carry them, but Farmer John orders ours from QC Supply. We’ve had them a number of years, and they haven’t needed replacing.



Rhode Island Red Waterer
The nipples are attached to a 5 gallon bucket (or something similar). The bucket hangs right at chicken height & water doesn’t drip out of the nipple until a bird pushes against it.
A definite advantage to this type of system is the ease of refilling the waterer. I don’t have to fight with an annoying plastic container that doesn’t want to unscrew. I just put a hose in the bucket.


Chicks Nipple Waterer
My other favorite thing about this set up is that it keeps the brooder clean! Chicks can’t step in, poop in or drop food in this waterer. They learn very quickly how to get a drink.


Chicken Nipple Waterer
Waterers hanging in a chicken tractor, duck pen & brooder. We adjust the height of the bucket as needed.


Nipple Waterer
Our friends at Sain Creek Poultry & Hobby Farm don’t use buckets, but have quite a system of pipe through much of their coop with the nipples attached.


Chicken Nipple Waterer
Pekin Duck, Coturnix Quail, Turkey Poult

We use this watering method for all our feathered friends.


Here’s to Happy Chickens/Turkeys/Quail/Ducks & Clean Waterers!


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Our Chicken Tractors http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/our-chicken-tractors/ Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:25:08 +0000 http://www.ridgetopfarmandgarden.com/?p=1221 A number of years ago Farmer John told me about chicken tractors. I thought he was crazy. Cuckoo. It did not go with my vision of a cutesy coop surrounded by flowering perennials and a picket fence. I also couldn’t imagine why you would want to move your chickens throughout the yard. Let’s be realistic, …

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Chicken Tractor title

A number of years ago Farmer John told me about chicken tractors. I thought he was crazy. Cuckoo. It did not go with my vision of a cutesy coop surrounded by flowering perennials and a picket fence. I also couldn’t imagine why you would want to move your chickens throughout the yard.

Let’s be realistic, my cutesy coop was not practical. The majority of our chickens are livestock, not pets. We have to house them in ways that are efficient for the purpose & cost effective.

Luckily, that’s where Farmer John & I work together & both compromise a little. He tries to be efficient & cost effective while keeping my cutesy stuff in mind.

He came up with a chicken tractor that’s both efficient & looks nice. The bones of the tractor are 1/2 inch electrical conduit, tin roofing & plywood.



Chicken Tractor 1

Chicken Tractor 2
Right: The inside of the covered area. In the back, two nest boxes. In the front, the roost. Bottom Left: The hinged thing at the top is a vent. After having the coops awhile Farmer John came up with an easier way to feed the chickens. He drilled a hole in the front and placed PVC pipe through it. I don’t think it works as well as he had hoped, though. The tin roofing is sharp at the edges, so the black foam is placed around it to protect us a bit.



Chicken Tractor roosts



Chicken Tractor 5
The main door is good sized to easily move chickens in & out of the tractor.


Chicken Tractor 3
Left: A male & his two ladies looking through the door that separates the inside of the tractor to the run. Right: Rhode Island Red peeking out the nest box. The door makes it easy to collect eggs.



Chicken Tractor 4
We’ve used the tractors for more than just chickens. Perch, the turkey, lived in one for awhile. Sally, our muscovy duck, hung out in there for the first few weeks after we brought her/him home.



We have 3 similar, but not exactly the same, chicken tractors. They have all done their share of moving around our property, but lately have been sitting in a more permanent place alongside our two chicken huts.

Chicken Tractor snow2014


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