This weekend was the once a year Great Backyard Bird Count. This is my 6th year participating and 2 things are for sure. I’ll seek and find birds. It will also rain.
This year the weather did cooperate a little more than usual, meaning it rained and was foggy but wasn’t crazy stormy. Sometimes I even saw the sun.
Friday, I went to a park that the kids & I refer to as the Duck Pond. I did see quite a few species of birds to report and was thrilled to see three blue herons. They are one of my favorites.
Saturday and Sunday I went for walks around our house searching for birds in the trees.
Monday, the 5 of us walked some trails around the Audubon Society in Portland. Ironically, we only saw one type of bird. We heard more, but only actually saw wrens.
The view out my car window waiting for the rain to pass.
Duck Pond
American Wigeon
Wood Ducks
Common Merganser
Acorn Woodpeckers
Downy Woodpecker & Northern Flicker
Great Blue Heron
Song Sparrow, American Robin
Steller’s Jay, Spotted Towhee
Golden-crowned Sparrows, Dark-eyed Junco
Audubon Society of Portland
I always enjoy getting outside walking through nature with my camera in hand. I also kinda have a thing for birds. So, I love this citizen science project.
Until next year…