Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet

One of the things I love about where we live are the many birds. I will often set out seed or suet for them to enjoy.

I do buy suet blocks from the store, but sometimes if I have the ingredients on hand I will make my own. They are easy to make and don’t take much time.



• 2 cups lard
• 3/4 cups peanut butter
• 1 cup flour
• 1 cup corn meal (I have read that masa could work better since it doesn’t tend to sink while the block is hardening)
• 1.5 cups mix of bird seed, scratch, & black oil sunflower seeds
• 1/2 cup grated apple
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet



1. Using a pot on the stove, melt the lard and nut butter.

2. When the lard and nut butter have turned to liquid, add the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet


3. Pour the mixture into a half gallon carton. Place the carton upright in the fridge to harden.

4. When the liquid mix has turned to a solid, tear off the carton and cut into individual blocks.

5. Extra blocks can be placed between wax paper and put in the freezer until they are ready to be used.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet

Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet



Place blocks in a suet feeder and watch the birds flock to it.

The blocks could also be given to your chickens as a treat.
Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet

Ridgetop Farm and Garden | How to Make Suet