Black Copper Marans

We have had Black Copper Marans for a few years. They are not my favorite breed. However, they do have a place in our flock. We breed our Marans based on the French standard, as well as the APA, which means they have feathered shanks and toes.


Marans are a heavy, dual purpose bird. They are generally raised for their dark brown egg, but also make a good meat bird. Marans are named after a port town in France. Over the centuries local birds were bred with birds brought from seaman coming to port. The modern Marans breed began development in the …

2016 Hatch #2

Warning: this is not a happy hatch day post. If reading about the bad days doesn’t interest you, you should probably skip this post. Cream Legbars have been a breed I’d been wanting for awhile. The timing never seemed to work out and there aren’t many breeders nearby. This summer I finally decided to take …