How Our Garden Grows – October 2014
How does our garden grow? Well, it has come to a complete halt. We haven’t harvested anything for a couple weeks. We didn’t plant a fall garden, so nothing new is coming on.
Oregon Fall Poultry Swap 2014
Saturday was the Oregon Fall Poultry Swap in Corvallis. This was our first time being a vendor at the Fall Swap. Although, earlier this year we were vendors at the Spring Swap. We didn’t sell everything we brought, but I am very happy with what we did sell. It was a good day. The customers …
Rhode Island Reds
We love our Rhode Island Red chickens. We’ve had them since the beginning of our days raising chickens. They are popular for a good reason.
Around the Farm and Garden – September 2014
2014 Mama Hen Hatch #3
All of a sudden we have 25 new chicks & possibly more soon! Most of the summer we let the chickens in our main coop wander freely. Apparently many of them have taken advantage of the freedom & have been sitting on eggs. Sneaky, sneaky.
Around the Farm and Garden – August 2014
How Our Garden Grows – August 2014
The garden has gone crazy, so we spent much of August picking & preserving our garden bounty.
Around the Farm and Garden – July 2014
Summer weather has arrived and with it many wonderful things are happening around our farm and garden.
2014 Hatch #8
Hatch #8 was our last incubated hatch for awhile. It was a last effort to get a few more Marans. Last year we sold all the chicks we hatched, which meant we didn’t have any left over for ourselves. This year we hatched many more & will keep a few.